Foundation Repair Methods for Tucson Homeowners

Foundations are one of the most important parts of a home. Without a solid foundation, your home cannot stand strong and tall. With foundation repair, there are several methods to choose from, depending on the type of damage you have sustained and the severity of it. Knowing what these methods are and their advantages and disadvantages can help you make an informed decision when repairing your foundation.

The 3 Main Foundation Repair Methods


This method is used for fixing sunken concrete slabs due to soil erosion or compaction. It involves drilling small holes in the slab and injecting a mixture of cement and water into it, which then lifts the slab back up to its original level. The mixture also provides additional stability to the slab and helps prevent further erosion or compaction. This method is relatively inexpensive compared to other foundation repair methods but requires more labor-intensive work. Slabjacking is a highly recommended repair method to consider. So contact a professional slabjacking company in Tucson to get your foundation back to its original level and ensure the stability of your home for years to come.

Pros of Slabjacking

One of the main reasons slabjacking is a good foundation repair method in Tucson is because of the region’s soil composition. Tucson sits on a combination of soil types, including clay, sand, and silt. These soils are known for their high levels of expansion and contraction in response to moisture changes, which can cause foundation settlement and cracking. Slabjacking provides a permanent solution to this problem by filling voids and stabilizing the soil beneath the foundation.

Another advantage of slabjacking is its cost-effectiveness. Compared to other foundation repair methods such as excavation or total foundation replacement, slabjacking is a much more affordable option. It also requires less time and labor, which means homeowners can get back to their normal routine sooner.

Cons of Slabjacking

First, slabjacking is not suitable for all types of foundation problems. For instance, if your foundation has significant structural damage or is in danger of collapse, then slabjacking may not be enough to solve the issue. In these cases, more extensive repairs, such as excavation or total foundation replacement, may be necessary.

Second, slabjacking can only lift a foundation slab that has settled or sunk. If your foundation is experiencing lateral movement, such as bowing or leaning, then slabjacking may not be an appropriate solution. Other repair methods, such as installing foundation piers or wall anchors, may be needed instead.


Piering is used when a home’s foundation has settled unevenly because of poor soil composition or improper installation. It involves installing steel piers underneath the structure that will lift and support it until the soil has had time to settle more uniformly under the weight of the building. This method is more expensive than slabjacking but is also more reliable since it will provide long-term stability for your home’s foundation.

Pros of Piering

  • Piering is a proven method for stabilizing a foundation that is sinking or settling.
  • It can be customized to suit the specific needs of the foundation and the soil conditions.
  • Piering is a long-term solution that can provide lasting stability to the foundation.
  • It can be done with minimal disruption to the surrounding landscape and structures.

Cons of Piering

  • Piering can be expensive, especially if multiple piers are needed.
  • It’s disruptive to the occupants of the home, as the foundation will need to be excavated in order to install the piers.
  • There is always the possibility that the piers may shift or settle over time, requiring additional repairs.
  • The appearance of the foundation may be altered, as the piers will be visible above ground level.

Subfloor Crawling

This method is best used when there is structural damage caused by water infiltration, such as rot or mold growth, in a home’s subflooring system. It involves crawling underneath your house’s subfloor with specialized equipment in order to assess any damage that has been done and repair it as needed. This method can be costly but can save you from having to replace entire sections of floorboards if left unchecked for too long.

Pros of Subfloor Crawling:

  • Subfloor crawling allows for a more thorough inspection of the foundation.
  • It can help identify and address issues with the foundation that may not be visible from above.
  • Repairs made from underneath the subfloor can be less intrusive and disruptive to the home’s interior.

Cons of Subfloor Crawling:

  • Crawling under the subfloor can be dirty, cramped, and uncomfortable.
  • It may be difficult to access certain areas of the foundation depending on the home’s design.
  • Depending on the severity of the damage, repairs made from underneath the subfloor may not be sufficient and additional work may be needed.

Conclusion to Foundation Repair Methods

No matter which foundation repair method you decide on, it’s important that you hire a foundation repair professional who specializes in this kind of work so that you get quality results that last for years to come. Tucson homeowners should take comfort in knowing that they have several options available for maintaining their home foundations, so their foundations remain strong and stable for years down the road!